Canadian Culture 加拿大风土人情
发布部门: 国际教育学院   发布时间: 2010-03-23   浏览次数: 140

国际教育学院第四届英语文化节系列活动之         英语文化讲座
TopicCanadian Culture  加拿大风土人情
Time & Date
15:00 �C 17:00,March 25, 2010(Thursday)
Venue: Room 202,Teaching Building No.3
Jenny Piche is from Quebec, Canada. She grew up in   a small town near Quebec city, went to Sherbooke University and got a Business degree in Finance and later went to Ottawa University to get her Education degree.  Having traveled almost everywhere in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world such as Africa, the Middle East, she has rich experiences. As a foreign language teacher, she taught English and French in Canada, Singapore and China. She also loves learning foreign languages and speaks English, French and some Spanish and Mandarin. 
Jenny Piche来自加拿大魁北克省,拥有舍尔布克大学的金融学学位和渥太华大学的教育学学位。她有着丰富的经历,足迹遍布欧洲和亚洲,并曾经游历非洲、中东等地区。作为一名外语教师,她曾在加拿大、新加坡和中国教授英语和法语。她自己也热爱外语学习,除了英语和法语,还能使用西班牙语和汉语进行交流。
                                                                             International Education College


