11月6日,解放军外国语学院博导姚乃强教授,应外语系邀请来我院作题为“沧海桑田,本源依 旧――谈美国文学主题的嬗变”学术报告会。
In November 6th, Professor Yao Naiqiang, doctoral advisor from PLA Forein Languages
Institute was invited to our institute for a lecture named Time Brings Great Changes
to the World, but the Source Remains the Same-- Evolution of Themes of American Liter-
At 14:30, the lecture hall was full of teachers and students, who were eagerly await-
ing the beginning of the lecture. Vice president Gong Yi, lu Yanli, director of Re-
search Department, and Chen Shuping, dean of Forein Languages Department, attended the
lecture. Firstly, Vice president Gong delivered the welcome speech.
Professor Yao's speech comprised of two parts. The first one was permanent themes:
love, war and death. The other was evolution of themes illustrated in such points
as nationality, country, region, history, tradition and times. Also, Professor Yao
put forward three traditional themes: regional realization (or territory idea), free-
dom of personality and American dream. Professor Yao predicted the development tenden-
cy of American literature by analyzing current events. His speech was filled with hu-
mor, appealing to the audience.
Professor Yao Naiqiang has been the member of Foreign Langues Teaching Committee of
National Universities and Collages for 4 years, and now he is the member of English
Examination Committee, presiding over the regulation and evaluation of TEM-4 and
TEM-8. And he is also the standing director of National American Literature Research-
ing Society. He has over 10 specialized dictionaries published. For his great contri-
butions, PLA General Headquarters of the Staff honors him as a permanent expert.
Finally, the lecture was completed with continuous applause.